my self

         I'm suriyawong  Meetham. my  nickname is ko I'm 17 yers old. I'm drafting  in Mathayom 6 at Changklangprachanukol  School.    My  hometown is rery biwtiful      Where is in the south of Thailand.               There are 4 people in my family I hate two brother  They are gardeners.                                  My father is  Somsak  Meetham Heisman 41 years old Heisman kind and  friendlg.            My mother is  Sujitra Meetham she is easy  going and working she is 42 years old.             There are three cats They are white and black and sometimes they are follow me ereryaher that I walk.                                              I'm hard working, friendly and kink.                  I'm my future I want to be a polic.                    My no tto "  do it the best "

